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Question 1


TO: All Staff

FROM: Patricia Hornby, Human Resources Department

DATE: January 6, 2013

RE: Change in Mailing Protocol - Please Read!

After much consideration and discussion, UniPro has decided to change its long-standing protocol for handling outgoing mail.

Effective September 1, our mailroom will no longer accept outgoing mail without a mail authorization slip. You will be required to fill out and clip a mailing slip (paper clips only, NO TAPE OR STAPLES) to each piece of outgoing mail before you submit it to the mailroom or leave it at one of the courier collection points. Multiple items being mailed at the same time by the same employee may be rubber-banded together with a single form covering all items in the batch. Outgoing mail without a mailing slip will either be returned to sender or, if no return address is marked, destroyed.

A sample of the mailing slip will be available next week. As you will see, the form requires each person using our mail service to enter his or her name and Employee ID Number in the blanks provided.

While we realize this new mailing protocol will add extra steps and possibly frustration to your day, the administration has deemed it a cost-saving measure. At present, we have no way to determine which departments at UniPro are making the fullest use of our mailroom, including charging extra services (same-day or next-day delivery, international delivery, etc.) to the company. Our mailing costs have spiraled upward in recent years. With the new system, we will have a better sense of our postal needs and be able to budget accordingly.

There have also been reports of employees routing their personal mail through our mailroom. Please accept this as a friendly reminder that ONLY UNIPRO MAIL IS TO BE PROCESSED IN OR THROUGH OUR COMPANY MAILROOM. Due to tight budgets we are unable to process your personal mail for you, even if you have provided your own postage. Please send your personal mail through postal depots off-site.

In order to ease the transition, the mailroom staff have indicated that they will be happy to print and photocopy the new mail slips with your name and Employee ID Number preprinted on the blanks. You may also pick up paper clips from the mailroom, which is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. You are also welcome to write your name and Employee ID Number on the attached sample and photocopy the slip yourself.

Eventually we hope to streamline the process by adding a scan code to the mailing slip so that postage costs will automatically be calculated as the mailroom processes the mail. In the meantime, we thank you for your patience and for understanding that our goal is to make UniPro more competitive in the market.

 What does the memorandum imply about the current state of UniPro's budget?

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