What if I Pass a Subject in Ged and Want to Retest for a Higher Score?

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In most states across the United States, students are allowed to retest to achieve higher scores on subjects they have previously passed. To initiate the process, send a concise email explaining your reasons to [email protected]. Upon approval of your request, you will receive an email notification from GED Testing Service containing instructions on how to schedule your retest. 

When considering retaking a GED subject that you’ve already passed, please be aware that discounted retake rates do not apply in this case. Additionally, there may be a waiting period between tests. The reduced fees for retests are only available for subtests that you have not previously passed. 

Before proceeding, it is recommended to review the specific retesting policies in your state to ensure you have comprehensive information. For detailed test pricing and policy rules, please visit your state’s policy page. This step will help you understand the requirements and guidelines for retesting effectively.

Do you need higher score in GED

GED Scoring System

Below-Passing Score (100 – 144)

Scores in this range indicate the test-taker has not demonstrated the knowledge and skills expected at the high school level.

If you score in this range on any of the four GED subject tests (Reasoning through Language Arts, Mathematical Reasoning, Science, or Social Studies), you have not passed that subject test.

Regardless of your performance on the other subject tests, scoring below 145 on any one subject means you have not passed the overall GED exam, necessitating a retake of the failed subject test.

While receiving a below-passing score can be discouraging, Prepsaret offers comprehensive resources to help you achieve higher, college-ready scores.

Passing Scores

To pass the GED, you need to score at least 145 points out of 200 in each of the four subject tests: Reasoning through Language Arts, Mathematical Reasoning, Science, and Social Studies.

This means you can miss some questions and still pass, as long as your overall score in each subject is 145 or higher.

College-Ready Scores

If you score between 165-174 points in a subject test, you have demonstrated college-ready skills and may be able to bypass placement tests or remedial courses in college.

This can save you time and money as you pursue higher education.

College-Ready + Credit Scores

Scoring between 175 and 200 points on a subject test demonstrates mastery of college-level knowledge and skills. Achieving this score is attainable with the assistance of a GED study guide. The study guide can effectively guide you toward reaching these top-tier GED scores, demonstrating your preparedness for college-level coursework.

Depending on the college or program, you may be eligible to earn college credits for these high scores, allowing you to skip certain required courses.

Check Out: Tips for applying to colleges and universities 

How to Prepare for the Retest

When it comes to studying for the GED exam, having effective strategies and utilizing the right resources can make all the difference in your success. Here’s how you can best prepare:

Effective Time Management

 Effective time management is crucial for achieving strong GED scores. Create a structured timetable that incorporates 2-3 hour study sessions with short breaks to maintain mental freshness. 

Enrolling in Prepsaret’s GED test prep program offers the flexibility to study at your own pace, enabling you to effectively allocate time to areas needing improvement. This approach ensures you cover all necessary material without feeling overwhelmed.

Understand Concepts, Avoid Cramming

Focus on comprehending core concepts rather than relying solely on memorization, particularly in subjects like Math and Science. Employ learning techniques such as mnemonics, mind maps, and regular quizzes to grasp and retain essential information.

 Understanding concepts not only enhances your ability to apply knowledge but also boosts confidence during the exam.

Use Practice Tests Strategically

 To enhance readiness for the GED exam, prioritize taking multiple practice tests under timed conditions. Utilize both past year question papers and generated mock exams using study materials to simulate real exam scenarios.

 Regular practice tests help familiarize you with the exam format, identify areas of weakness, and refine test-taking strategies. This  process improves performance and prepares you to tackle the actual exam with confidence.

Attend Classes and Take Detailed Notes: Engage actively in GED classes, whether in person or online. Pay close attention to lectures and discussions, and diligently take comprehensive notes. 

Class notes often highlight key concepts emphasized by instructors, offering valuable insights into what is crucial for the exam. Writing down information helps reinforce learning and aids in retaining essential details for effective recall during the test.

Where Can I Get Effective GED Study Materials for Achieving Higher Scores

If you are looking for an excellent resource for GED preparation, then you should consider Prepsaret. They provide comprehensive online GED prep notes, and practice tests covering all four GED subject areas. Their study materials are designed to help you build the skills and knowledge needed to pass the GED exam. 

Prepsaret also offers personalized study plans and progress tracking to ensure you stay focused and make meaningful progress towards your goals. Using this resource enhances your chances of achieving scores of 175 and higher.

The best GED prep course

How Does Prepsaret Help in Achieving a Ged College-Ready Plus Credit Score?

Engaging Lessons

Prepsaret offers engaging lessons that are clear, concise, and highly focused, allowing students to learn efficiently. These lessons break down complex GED topics into manageable chunks, facilitating the development of necessary skills and knowledge. 

Furthermore, Prepsaret includes end-of-lesson quizzes that enable students to assess their understanding, thereby promoting high retention of concepts. This comprehensive approach ensures that students not only grasp the material effectively but also retain it for application during the exam.

Comprehensive Practice Resources 

Prepsaret provides a comprehensive suite of study materials designed to thoroughly prepare students for the GED exam. This includes realistic, full-length practice tests that closely mimic the actual exam in content, format, and difficulty level.

 Students benefit from access to both previous year question papers and current year practice tests, which help them familiarize themselves with the exam structure and content. These practice tests allow students to simulate the testing experience, identify their strengths and weaknesses, and refine their skills accordingly. 

With over 2,000 practice questions covering all GED subject areas, Prepsaret practice tests  target specific skills and knowledge required to achieve the GED College Ready + Credit level. 

This approach not only tracks students’ progress but also builds their confidence for success on the GED exam.

Pass your GED on your first attempt

Test Taking Strategies for Achieving Higher Scores on the GED Test

Read Directions Carefully: Before starting the test, thoroughly read all directions. Directions specify time limits for each section of the test.

Answer in Your Mind First: Before looking at the answer choices, try to formulate your answer mentally based on the question. If one of the choices matches your initial thought, it’s likely the correct answer.

Base Answers on Passage Content: Ensure your answers are rooted in the information presented in the passages. Avoid personal experiences or assumptions—the test is designed for a general audience, and answers should be derived solely from the given information.

Use the Process of Elimination: Identify incorrect answers first. Eliminate choices that are clearly impossible or seem out of place. Narrowing down choices increases your chances of selecting the correct answer from the remaining options.

Educated Guessing: When unsure, utilize educated guessing techniques:

  • Beware of absolute terms like “always” or “never”; assess if these statements align with the passage information. Substitute with terms like “frequently” or “sometimes” when necessary.
  • Be cautious with options such as “all of the above” or “none of the above”; scrutinize each statement individually to determine accuracy.
  • Look for contrasting answers within choices; if two options seem similar, they might both be incorrect.

Order of Answering: Prioritize questions you are confident about. Complete these first before revisiting skipped questions. This approach helps manage time effectively and ensures all questions are addressed.

Manage Time Effectively: Pace yourself throughout the test to ensure completion within the allocated time. Aim for approximately one minute per multiple-choice question, allowing ample time for review at the end.

These strategies are designed to optimize your approach to the GED test, enhancing your ability to select correct answers and achieve higher scores. Incorporate these tips into your test preparation to maximize your performance on exam day.

Find out: Pay For GED without Taking the Test 


Can You Retake the Ged for a Higher Score?

Yes, in most states you can retake the GED for a higher score. To initiate the process, email [email protected] explaining your reasons. Upon approval, you’ll receive instructions to schedule your retest. Be aware that discounted retake rates don’t apply if you’re retaking a passed subject. Review your state’s policies to understand requirements. 

Can You Fail a Subject and Still Pass Ged?

If you fail one subject but pass all the others on the GED test, you will need to retake the subject you failed. To graduate test-takers must earn a minimum score of 145 on each test subject to pass and earn the high school equivalency credential.

What Is the Hardest Subject on the Ged Test?

The GED (General Educational Development) test covers a wide range of subjects, and the difficulty level can vary for each individual. However, the subject that is often considered the most challenging is the Reasoning Through Language Arts (RLA) section. 

This section tests your reading comprehension, writing skills, and ability to analyze and interpret complex texts. The RLA section requires a strong command of the English language, critical thinking skills, and the ability to effectively communicate your ideas in writing. 

While the other GED subjects, such as Math, Science, and Social Studies, also present their own unique challenges, the RLA section is often cited as the most demanding part of the GED test. However, you can effectively prepare for this section and pass the test by using free practice questions.

Can I Improve My Ged Score?

Yes, you can improve your GED score by studying the subjects covered in the test, practicing sample questions, and taking advantage of GED preparation resources. Focus on areas where you need the most improvement, and consider enrolling in a GED preparation course or working with a tutor. 

With dedication and consistent effort, you can boost your score and increase your chances of achieving your academic and career goals.

How Long Does It Take to Prepare for a Ged Retest with Prepsaret?

The time required to prepare for a GED retest with Prepsaret varies depending on your individual learning pace, prior knowledge, and the amount of time you can dedicate to studying. However, Prepsaret’s courses are designed to be flexible and self-paced, allowing you to study at your own convenience and progress at a rate that suits your needs.

Are Prepsaret’s Study Materials Available Online Around the Clock, 24/7?

Yes, Prepsaret’s GED preparation study materials are available online 24/7. Their comprehensive online courses and resources can be accessed anytime, anywhere, allowing you to study at your own pace and convenience. 

This flexibility is particularly beneficial for those preparing for GED retests, as it enables you to fit your studies into your busy schedule and maximize your chances of achieving a higher score.